Alena Milos Sound
Dialogues of the Carmelites
Director: Robin Guarino
Assistant Design: Lucia Thill
Production Sound Engineer: Michael Donahue
Dialogues of the Carmelites was done in Corbett Auditorium at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music(CCM). Dialogues of the Carmelites is a classic opera that follows the story of Blanche, a young woman in French Revolution era France, as she joins the order of the Carmelites and battles with the roles that fear, death, and martyrdom play in her life.
CCM's production had roughly a forty-five-person cast and a sixty-person orchestra. As the designer, I had the opportunity to fully mic the orchestra for monitoring and archival recordings. I also designed and implemented a primarily d&b system, from prep to tuning to strike and everything in between.
Speaker Plot

Mic Schedule

Rack Sketches
Array Calc