Alena Milos Sound
Sound Designer: Ryan Hurt
A1: Dani Silver
Once was done in Cohen Family Studio Theatre at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music(CCM). As the production sound engineer(pse) I had the opportunity to fully schedule and lead prep, load in, strike, and any work calls in between during the show process. I was also responsible for figuring out cable runs, rigging, and gear placement in space, coordinating with other departments to make sure these things were safe and possible, and training any other team members that needed it for their roles. This was my first time in a pse role, and it proved to be one of, if not the, most challenging things I have ever done in theatre. However, that also lead it to be one of the most important experiences I have ever had in theatre, and resulted in a lot of growth.
Patch Paperwork
Cable Labels
Tech Schedule